Paragliding improvement course

Un participant lors d'un stage perfectionnement en parapente organisé par la Waggas School.
Course intended for practicing pilots

Perfect the management of the paraglider in the wind in order to increase pilot safety

Beyond the fun aspect, the objective is to allow pilots to take off in a calm and controlled manner in complete safety.

This course is aimed at pilots immediately after the introductory course as well as pilots who are not comfortable in the inflation phases facing the wing.

Practice in the field

Targeted and personalized activities based on the level of each participant will be offered on site.

This will allow you to explore and become familiar with new approaches and methods. These activities will be designed to meet your specific needs while expanding your area of expertise.

Session duration varies from 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on wind conditions.

Video debriefing

Each practice is accompanied by a personalized video debriefing called “practice analysis” or “feedback”.

This step is crucial because it highlights the integrated and controlled phases and also those that remain to be improved.

During this time (1 hour 30 minutes), additional explanations and technical recommendations will be shared with each of you.

Symmetrical inflation techniques

  • Preparation
  • Pre Inflation
  • Inflation
  • Static
  • Adapted body postures
  • Sagging

Our other paragliding courses

If you would rather like to refine your technique, the paragliding piloting course may interest you. If you are looking to learn about waggas, the waggas course will best suit your expectations.

Un moniteur certifié de la Waggas School faisant une démonstration lors d'un stage pilotage.
Waggas School thanks you for your opinions

They tested the paragliding courses

For housing

Our school is located in the heart of the campsite, all our meetings and debriefings take place at the Pyla Camping bar restaurant.
If you wish to stay on site, you can benefit from the infrastructure: swimming pools, restaurant and supermarket without taking your car.
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